Special Educational Needs
The Local Offer
The staff and governing body of Shaw Cross Infant & Nursery School acknowledge that every child is a unique and special individual with personal strengths and weaknesses. All children are entitled to a broad-based curriculum designed not only to meet their needs and interests but also the requirements of the EYFS and the National Curriculum. The school's aims centre on developing each child's unlimited potential, regardless of social background, ethnic or cultural origins, gender or ability. We believe that the interests of children with special educational needs are best served when school, parents/carers, other relevant agencies and the LA work closely together in ways which maximise the efficient use of resources and expertise.
What is the local offer?
A requirement of the Children and Families Act 2014 is that local authorities provide an information system for parents and carers and children and young people with SEND. This is called the Local Offer and can be accessed online by clicking here. As a school we contribute to the provision. Please click here for details of how we set out to meet expectations. Please contact our school office if you require a paper copy.
Headteacher | Mrs A Pickup |
SENCO, Assistant Head | Mrs Claire Plunkett |
Assistant Head, Curriculum Co-ordinator | Mrs Caroline Carbutt |
School contact details |
Tel 01924 325319 |
School Website | www.shawcrossinfants.co.uk |
Kirklees Local offer website | kirkleeslocaloffer.org.uk |
If parents/carers have concerns about the progress or attainment of their child, they should in the first instance make an appointment to speak to the class teacher/key worker to discuss their concerns, who will then liaise with our Special Needs Coordinator (SENCO) as appropriate.
If you are a parent with a child with SEND who is considering whether he/she should join our school, the Headteacher would be very happy to arrange a meeting with you to discuss our provision in more detail.
Other useful links for parents and carers
Independent Parent Led Forum |
National independent advice for parents about SEND |
Kirklees Local offer | Supporting children with Special Educational Needs and or Disabilities (SEND) in EYFS | |
Accessibility Plan |
Facilities for Disabled Pupils
Kirklees Information Advice and Support Service (KIAS)