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Please click here  for a list of our current Govornors and their responsibilities

Please click here for Attendance and Business interestes

Governing bodies are responsible to parents, funders and the community. The governing body's main role is to help raise standards of achievement. It:

  • is accountable for the performance of the school to parents and the wider community
  • plans the school's future direction
  • selects the head teacher
  • makes decisions on the school's budget and staffing
  • makes sure the national curriculum is taught
  • decides how the school can encourage pupil's spiritual, moral and social development
  • makes sure the school provides for all its pupils, including those with special needs

Every school must have a governing body. The membership will vary according to the type of school. The governing body has some discretion of the numbers of governors.

Governing bodies include governors who are:

  • Parent Governor - elected by parents at the school 
  • Staff Governor - elected by Head, teachers and support staff at the school. The head teacher is entitled to be a staff governor without an election
  • LA Governor - Persons appointed by Kirklees as the local authority. There can be between one and four of these “Authority” governors
  • Co-opted Governors - these are appointed by the Governing Body according to the skills and experience they can offer.

Useful websites:


For many years we have had a very active governing body which has shown vision and ensured consistency in standards.

The work of the Governing Body takes place through the Standards and Effectiveness Committee, the Resources Committee andfull Governing Body meetings.
Standards and Effectiveness Committee Terms of Reference
Resources Committee Terms of Reference

The following committees meet when the need arises:

Staff dismissal - This committee decides any matter relating to staff grievance, disciplinary or competency procedures and issues involving dismissal, redeployment or redundancy. Membership does not include the Headteacher of staff Governors.

Appeals - This committee hears appeals from any member of staff who object to a decision of the Headteacher or staff.

Dismissal, Pay or Appraisal Committees/Panels - It upholds or dismisses an appeal.

Complaints - to  review the Headteacher's decision where a complainant is dissatisfied.  To investigate a complaint against a Headteacher.  To allow the complainant to present his/her case personally.  To allow the complainant to be accompanied by a friend.  At the committee/panel's discretion, to allow a pupil to be heard.  Following a tribunal format, the complainant and the Headteacher will normally only be heard in each other's presence, unless this would be deemed to be inappropriate due to the specific details of the situation.

Pupil Discipline - This committee considers the actions of the Headteacher in excluding a pupil. Considers representations made by parents and by the LA.  Determines whether the pupil should be reinstated.

Governors for these committees are drawn from a pool of eligible Governors.

The Headteacher Appraisal committee comprises of Governors who are appointed to conduct the appraisal of the Headteacher and recommends a pay award.

Minutes of Standards & Effectiveness Committee

Minutes of Resources Committee

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