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Welcome to Year 1

This homepage will provide you with useful information about your child's year group and keep you up-to-date with what has been happening in class.

Please feel free to comment on how useful you find this homepage and any other information you would like to see on it.

Things to Remember

Year 1 PE days are Monday and Friday. Please bring your child in their PE kit on these days, they can stay in this for the rest of the day.

So that your child is prepared for all the activities throughout the school week please remember to bring the following things every day.

  • Book bag
  • As a healthy school we want all children to have access to drinking water throughout the day.  Please ensure that your child brings a labelled drinks bottle of fresh water every day.
  • Reading Scheme and Library books (particularly on your childs allocated day)

End of Year Expectations

Please click here for information regarding end of year expections


Every week your child will be given homework on Friday.  This is a way of keeping you informed about what your child has been learning throughout the week.  It also supports your child's learning by giving them the chance to practise what they have been taught.  We hope that you will support your child with this work at a time convenient to you, and return it to school at some point throughout the following week.

Reading scheme books will be given to children on a weekly basis.  Sometimes your child will have read a different book within a group and therefore may not have read the scheme book with an adult.  You can supplement your child's reading material by selecting books from the shared reading boxes which are on the trolley outside in the playground on a morning.  These are organised so that they get progressively difficult from box 1 to 9. Please note that these books are NOT phonetically decodable and do not link with our phonics scheme.

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