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Download an application form here
Please email back to us at office@shawcrossinfants.co.uk along with a copy of your child's birth certificate, see more details below.


Welcome to Nursery

Working together, valuing and nurturing children

Within our Nursery there is a strong emphasis on developing personal and social skills so that children feel happy and secure and are receptive to learning. We encourage children to be inquisitive, explore and become actively involved in their learning both indoors and outside. Children enjoy planting in the Nursery garden and exploring our extensive grounds and woodland area where they are able to experience nature first hand. With the help of parents, on our very popular Wednesday Cook Day, they cook and taste different dishes, often trying foods they would not eat at home. During their time with us we help children to develop an interest in books and learn songs and rhymes to develop language and literacy skills. We encourage then to borrow books to take home. 

Whilst your child is with us we aim to work closely with parents and carers to achieve the best possible outcomes so that children have a very positive start to their time in education. 

For further information about your child’s learning and development in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) please click here.


Sessions and wraparound care

Morning Session:  8.30 am to 11.30 am
Afternoon Session 12.30 pm to 3.30 pm

Children are eligible for fifteen hours of government funded early education and care the term after their 3rd birthday. Children must attend five three hour morning sessions (8.30 am to 11.30 am) or five three hour afternoon sessions (12.30 pm to 3.30 pm). There are three entries into Nursery – September, January and after Easter (if places are available).  Please contact the school office for further details about Nursery start dates.  Parents who wish to apply for a Nursery place at Shaw Cross should complete Registration Form and hand it in at the School Office or click on the link abpve to download an application form.  We will need a copy of your child's birth certificate when you return the form, please note we are unable to offer a place without the birth certificate. If you would like to register your child for a place in our Nursery, please do this after their 2nd birthday.

From September 2018 children who are eligible for 30 hours have been able to access full days, however they must attend every morning or afternoon and then use their additional hours for either 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 full days.  All additional hours are subject parents meeting certain criteria (see below), also places are limited and subject to availability.

More details will be given when places are offered, however if the answer is no to any of these key indicators your child may not be ready for extended hours.

1.  Can they separate from the person bringing them to Nursery with minimal support?
2.  Are they dry and clean most of the time?
3.  Can they sit down to eat and feed themselves independently?
4.  Can your child communicate their needs to the adults in Nursery? 

Criteria for up to 30 hours:
Both parents must be working - or the sole parent is working in a lone parent family.
Each parent earns, on average, a weekly minimum equivalent to 16 hours at National Minimum Wage or National Living Wage.
Each parent must have annual income of less than £100,000.

Click here for more details

Extended hours are being run on a trial basis and reviewed periodically.

Download a Nursery application form here

The criteria for admission to Nursery is as follows: 

Priorities for admission to Nursery are listed below. Within each criteria children are admitted in age order, taking the oldest first.  This is done on a termly basis but only if there are places available in the Nursery.  We may give additional priority to children with special education and social needs.  We will admit children living outside the area in date of birth order.            

A morning or afternoon place will be offered by the Headteacher.  Parents will be offered a place during the term before the admission.

1.  Children in public care (Looked After Children).

2.  Children living in the school's Priority Admission Area (PAA) who have an older brother or sister attending from the same address at the date of admission in age order.

3.  Other children who live in the school's priority admission area in age order.

4.  Children who live outside the school’s PAA who have an older brother or sister already attending school at the time of admission in age order.

5.  Other children who live outside the school’s PAA in age order

6.  Children who live outside the local authority

These admission arrangements are correct at the time or printing, but may be subject to any alterations to the authority admissions procedure.

Extending Sessions:

We offer a range of extended care facilities (further details under the “Parents”, “Extended Day” tab).  Please contact us as soon as possible with any Breakfast Club and/or After School Childcare Provision bookings (Breakfast Club runs from 7.45 am at a cost of £5.00 per day and After School Childcare Provision runs until 6.00 pm at a cost of £10 per day), so that we can make every effort to accommodate your needs.  

Transferring from the Nursery to a Reception Class at Shaw Cross is not automatic.   Advice on how to register for an Infant School can be obtained from the School Office.

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