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Mission Statement:

A Happy Place

‘Working Together Valuing and Nurturing Children’

At Shaw Cross School  we are committed to working with our children, families and external agencies to create a school community that we can all be proud of. We strive to develop lifelong learners and value the contribution that our children can make as effective, responsible British citizens of the future. Careful consideration has been made to ensure that our curriculum offer is carefully planned and sequenced to meets the needs of our children. Our curriculum is engaging, inspiring and progressive so that our children get the best possible start to their education journey

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Our Core Value:

Respectful                 Resilient                   Reflective

We believe that our core values are the foundations that our children need for them to unlock all aspects of learning across the curriculum, and to facilitate them to be successful learners and citizens of the future. These are attitudes and behaviours we believe will help children succeed and are embedded within our curriculum as good learning behaviours.


Respectful children will:

  • respect themselves as an individual who can make a positive contribution to the world.
  • respect themselves fully in order to keep themselves safe from emotional and physical harm.
  • respect their bodies and minds to keep physically and emotionally healthy. 
  • respect others for who they are, even when they have ideas and beliefs different to their own.
  • form relationships that through mutual respect are built on trust and wellbeing.
  • demonstrate respect through following the golden rules, showing they can be attentive and considerate to the needs of others.
  •  understand how to communicate appropriately in different situations.
  • treat everyone and everything with care, in a way they would like to be treated themselves.


Resilient children will:

  • have a strong sense of self-worth and self-belief.
  • understand that they will come across barriers and challenges which will test them.
  • understand they are on a learning journey and know they need to work on ways to overcome any barriers in order to improve themselves and be a success.
  • thrive at the chance to try things out, and to reinforce their knowledge and improve their skills across the curriculum.
  • take responsibility for their own learning and have a positive attitude towards work and being challenged.
  • understand that success is not always easy, and that working hard will help them be the best that they can be and lead to success.
  • Develop a growth mindset in all of their thoughts and actions. Can reframe their approach to challenges and stay motivated to work to improve skills. Instead of thinking ‘I can’t do this’, understand the power of ‘yet’ in thinking ‘I can’t do it yet’.


Reflective children will:

  • understand that learning is a journey and that they can change the journey by reflecting on where they are, what they know, and where they are going.
  • think critically and consider whether they can improve outcomes by adapting their approach.
  • consider what they have learned, and draw on previous knowledge and skills to help them approach new learning and make connections within and between subjects.
  • understand that not everything is a success the first time, and that learning from mistakes is an effective way of making progress.
  • learn from the best of what has been said and done by others. Reflect on the work of others and use this knowledge to be the best that they can be (Cultural Capital).
  • reflect on the choices they make and understand that their actions have consequence which may be positive or negative.


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