Dinners and Sandwiches
Due to nut allergies we ask parents not to include nuts or nut products as part of a packed lunch.
Children may chose to have school dinners or bring a packed lunch. We eat lunch in the hall. Reception children always come to first sitting. The children are looked after by an experienced and caring team many of whom know the children well because they also work in class as Educational Support Assistants. We monitor the children carefully and would inform you if your child was not eating well.
We have a large uptake for school meals which are cooked in our own kitchen. We promote healthy eating and each day provide a choice of three main courses and desserts plus a salad bar. Each year Munch the Dragon visits school to promote healthy eating and we have several special themed lunches throughout the year including a delicious Christmas Dinner! Kirklees have recently won an award for making an outstanding contribution to catering for schools in their local area. We are very proud of our Shaw Cross catering staff who have contributed to this. Please see links below to view our latest menu choices:
The Kirklees School Catering Service has been awarded the LACA School Catering Business of the Year award 2021. The award aims to give recognition to a Catering Team which has made an outstanding contribution to catering for schools in their local area. Our teams demonstrated how they use creativity and initiative to provide a varied, healthy diet and ensure that almost 8,000 vulnerable children get the food they need to live healthily and learn well. Our school meals service serves 162 schools and over 35,000 pupils across Kirklees.
All infant school children are eligible for a school meal free of charge.
Families who are claiming some benefits qualify for free school meals AND MILK. For further details please click here or telephone 01484 221928.
We constantly monitor and review our menu, striving to ensure that children make healthy choices as part of a balanced diet.
If your child would like to change to dinners or sandwiches please notify our office staff and give us at least 1 week's notice.
The Education Act 1980 makes provision for facilities for consumption of sandwich meals brought from home, under conditions deemed by the Authority as appropriate. Kirklees LA has drawn up the following terms which must be observed in all schools.
1. Packed meals may only be brought if they are in a suitable container, which is clearly marked with the child's name.
2. As food will be in plastic containers, plates will not be provided. We encourage the children to use the container as a plate, so please make sure it is a suitable shape for this.
We were proud to be awarded the Healthy Schools Gold Award. To promote healthy eating we do not permit crisps, sweets or fizzy drinks.
Because of nut allergies we ask parents not to include nuts or nut products as part of a packed lunch.
Our cooks have been advised to cut grapes in half to prevent choking. We request that parents do this if providing grapes in a packed lunch.
Stuck for ideas for packed lunches? Click on the image below for ideas and tips.

The majority of children enjoy milk and know that it helps their teeth and bones grow. Every child under the age of five is entitled to FREE school milk. Children over the age of five are entitled to milk at a subsidised price and is paid online at www.coolmilk.com. Children in receipt of free school meals do not pay for milk. Milk still has to be paid for unless you have applied for Free School Meals through the Local Authority.
Allergies and food intolerances
Please inform us if your child has a food allergy as a health care plan will need to be completed.The school works in accordance with Kirklees policy and would need to consult the school meals service to establish whether a meal can be provided for a child with an allergy or food intolerance.
Under the government scheme children are provided with a free fruit or vegetable snack each day. Children are not permitted to bring their own snacks unless they have a specific dietary requirement or allergy.
Children are asked to bring a water bottle to school so that they have access to water throughout the day. We find that drinking water at school promotes good habits and many children who previously say that they do not like water learn to do so.