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Memorable Moments

We are very lucky to be able to provide some magical experiences for children at Shaw Cross Infant and Nursery School and would like to share these memorable moments with you. 

The Great Get Together

It was lovely to see so many parents/carers come along to our Great Get Together. Everyone had a wonderful time enjoying a picnic and play in the sunshine! 

Musica Kirklees Recital

We were delighted to welcome specialist players from Musica Kirklees to perform in our school with a variety of musical instuments. Children in Year 1 and Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed the wonderful live music experience! 

Celebrating Eid

Thank you to everyone who sent in photos of Eid celebrations. The children enjoyed sharing their experiences of Eid with us in our assembly. 

Kirklees Sports Festival

A team of children from Year 2 had the opptunity to take part in the Kirklees Sports Festival at Batley Sports and Tennis Centre. They enjoyed working together and taking part in a number of sporting activites. 

World Book Day - Satellites Workshop

To celebrate World Book Day we invited children to come to school dressed up as a character from their favourite story! As an extra special treat, the children in school and nursery took part in some exciting storytelling workshops/activities with Satelite Arts. The ‘Weatherhouse Workshops’ will included activities, songs and stories all linked to the weather/seasons.

Big Garden Birdwatch Event

Thank you to everyone who joined in our Bird Watch event. It was a lovely opportunity for parents/carers to come into school and work with their children on various activities. We hope you enjoyed hanging your bird feeders in your garden and watching/recording the different species of birds at home

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